Dr. Kanishka Biswas

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Year 2015

  1. Subhajit Roychowdhury, U. Sandhya Shenoy, Umesh V. Waghmare, and Kanishka Biswas, Tailoring of Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of a Topological Crystalline Insulator by Chemical Doping, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 15241–15245.

  2. Kanishka Biswas, Advances in Thermoelectric Materials and Devices for Energy Harnessing and Utilization, Proc Indian Natn Sci Acad., 2015, 81, 903-913.

  3. Suresh Perumal, Subhajit Roychowdhury, Devendra S. Negi, Ranjan Datta, and Kanishka Biswas, High Thermoelectric Performance and Enhanced Mechanical Stability of p-type Ge1-xSbxTe, Chem. Mater., 2015, 27, 7171-7178.

  4. Satya N. Guin, Sohang Kundu and Kanishka Biswas, Effect of Aliovalent Chlorine Doping on the Thermoelectric Properties of n-type AgBi0.5Sb0.5Se2, SMC Bulletin, 2015, In press.

  5. Satya N. Guin and Kanishka Biswas, Sb Deficiencies Control Hole Transport and Boost the Thermoelectric Performance of p-type AgSbSe2, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 10415.

  6. Manoj K. Jana, Anjali Singh, Dattatray J Late, Catherine R Rajamathi, Kanishka Biswas, Claudia Felser, Umesh V Waghmare and C N R Rao, A combined experimental and theoretical study of the structural, electronic and vibrational properties of bulk and few-layer Td-WTe2, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 2015, 27, 285401.

  7. G. Shiva Shanker, Abhishek Swarnkar, Arindom Chatterjee, S Chakraborty, Manabjyoti Phukan, Naziya Parveen, Kanishka Biswas and Angshuman Nag, Electronic Grade and Flexible Semiconductor Film Employing Oriented Attachment of Colloidal Ligand-Free PbS and PbSe Nanocrystals at Room Temperature, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 9204-9214.

  8. Satya N. Guin and Kanishka Biswas, Temperature driven p-n-p type conduction switching materials: Current trends and future directions, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 2015, 17, 10316-10325.

  9. Arindom Chatterjee and Kanishka Biswas, Solution-Based Synthesis of Layered Intergrowth Compounds of the Homologous PbmBi2nTe3n+m Series as Nanosheets, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 5623-5627.

  10. Ananya Banik, U. Sandhya Shenoy, Shashwat Anand, Umesh V. Waghmare and Kanishka Biswas, Mg Alloying in SnTe Facilitates Valence Band Convergence and Optimizes Thermoelectric Properties, Chem. Mater., 2015, 27, 581-587.

  11. Satya N. Guin, Velaga Srihari and Kanishka Biswas, Promising thermoelectric performance in n-type AgBiSe2: Effect of aliovalent anion doping, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 648–655.