Dr. Kanishka Biswas

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Book Chapters

  1. Subarna Das, Animesh Bhui and Kanishka Biswas. “High Performance Thermoelectric Materials” in Energy Materials, World Scientific, 2023, 77-116.
  2. Paribesh Acharyya, Debattam Sarkar, Prabir Dutta and Kanishka Biswas. “Metal Chalcogenide Materials: Synthesis, Structure and Properties” in  Reference Module in Chemistry Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, 2022.
  3. Chandra, S., Samanta, M. and Biswas, K., “High-performance Thermoelectric Energy Conversion Based on Lead-free Group IV-VI Metal Chalcogenides” in the book “Inorganic Thermoelectric Materials: From Fundamental Concepts to Materials Design”, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021, 157-215.
  4. Ghosh, T.; Dutta, M. and Biswas, K. “High performance thermoelectrics based on metal selenides” in the book “Thermoelectric Energy Conversion”, Eds. Funahashi R. Woodhead Publishing,  2021, 217
  5. Samanta, M.; Dutta, M. and Biswas, K. “Thermoelectric energy conversion” in the book “Advances In The Chemistry And Physics Of Materials: Overview Of Selected Topics”, Eds. George, S. J., Narayana, C. and Rao, C. N. R. World Scientific, 2019, 350-375.
  6. Banik, A.; Perumal, S. and Biswas. K. “Thermoelectric Properties of Metal Chalcogenides Nanosheets and Nanofilms Grown by Chemical and Physical Routes” in the book “Thermoelectric Thin Films”, Eds. Mele, P., Narducci, D., Ohta, M., Biswas, K., Morante, J., Saini, S. and Endo, T. Springer, Chem, 2019, 157-184.
  7. Dan, A.; Basu, B.; Roychowdhury, S.; Biswas, K. and Raj, B “Nanotechnology and energy conversion: A solution using spectrally selective solar absorbers and thermoelectrics: Advances and Developments in Nano-sized Materials” in the book “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, Eds. Voorde, M. V. De Gruyter, 2018, 234-258.
  8. Guin, S. N.; Banik, A. and Biswas, K. “Thermoelectric energy conversion in layered metal chalcogenides” in the book “2-D Inorganic Materials beyond Graphene”, Eds. Rao, C. N. R. and Waghmare, U. V. World Scientific, 2017, 239-274.
  9. Biswas, K. “Structure-property correlations of inorganic nanomaterials by different X-ray related techniques” in the book “Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds”, Eds. Douthwaite, R., Duckett, S. and Yarwood, J. RSC-SPR, 2014, 117-140.
  10. Biswas, K.; Rout C. S. and Rao, C. N. R. “Metal Oxide Nanostructures: Synthesis, Properties and Applications” in the book “Metal oxide nanostructures and their applications”, Eds. Umar, A. and Hahn, Y. B. American Scientific Publisher, 2010.
  11. Biswas, K. and Rao, C. N. R. “Use of ionic liquids, liquid-liquid interfaces and other novel methods for the synthesis of inorganic nanocrystals” in the book “Advanced wet-chemical synthetic approaches to inorganic nanostructures” Eds. Cozzoli, P. D. Research Signpost, 2009.